Does my child need Occupational Therapy?
If your child has experienced difficulties in any of the areas outlined below, occupational therapy can help support them through this positively.
Developmental Delay
Delays in overall development can happen during specific time periods at certain ages.
These can include:
Not reaching development milestones of sitting, crawling and walking.
Not learning at an age appropriate level.
Not developing age appropriate play and social skills.

Fine Motor Skills
Any small movements made by fingers, toes, wrists, lips or the tongue come under fine motor movements. If your child is struggling with this, they may show signs of difficulty with one or more of these actions:
Manipulating toys and puzzles
Holding a pencil
Poor handwriting, letter/number formation
Using cutlery at an age-appropriate time
Using scissors
Using zippers, buttons, shoelaces
Colouring, drawing, tracing, prewriting shapes
Not developing a hand dominance at an age-appropriate time
Avoiding tasks and games that require fine motor skills
Gross Motor Skills (Movement, Strength & Balance)
Larger muscle movement, including walking and balance require gross motor skills. Your child may be showing signs of struggling with some or all of these areas:
Appear clumsy or uncoordinated
Going up and down stairs at an age appropriate time
Coordinating both sides of the body
Understanding the concept of right and left
Poor ball skills
Poor balance
Their muscle tone, or muscle tension and resistance, could be higher or lower than the appropriate developmental milestone.
Be fearful of feet leaving the ground
Not cross midline of his or her body during play and school tasks
Avoids tasks and games that require gross motor skills
Oral Motor & Sensory
Control of your facial and oral area including lips, jaw tongue or the soft palate fall under oral motor skills. Any delayed oral motor and sensory skills can show in one or more of the following ways:
Excessive drool
Çhews food in the front of the mouth, rather than on the molars
Difficulty using a cup at an age-appropriate time
Difficulty with drinking from a straw at an age-appropriate time
Tiredness after eating
Excessively picky when eating, only eating certain types or textures of food
Child excessively mouths toys or objects beyond an age-appropriate time
Social Interation Skills
Interactions with other children and family members may be delayed. In these instances, your child could show signs of the following:
Difficulty interacting socially and engaging with family and peers
Difficulty adapting to new environments
Delayed language skills
Overly focused on one subject (e.g space, universe, dinosaurs, trains)
Can't cope in the school environment
Visual Processing
How your brain interprets visual information is referred to as visual processing. Making sense of what you see is essential to understanding your environment. If your child is struggling in any of these areas, they may have difficulty with visual processing:
Difficulty with the spacing and sizes of letters
Difficulty with recognising letters
Difficulty with copying shapes or letters
Difficulty with visual tracking and crossing midline
Difficulty finding objects among other objects
Difficulty with copying from the board or another paper
Difficulty with the concept of right and left
Your child may lose his or her place when reading or copying from the board or may have poor eye contact.
Learning Challenges
Developmental disabilities and learning challenges can show themselves in the following ways. If your child shows any of these symptoms you may need to consult and occupational therapist:
Unable to concentrate and focus at school
Easily distracted
Difficulty following instructions and completing work
Tires easily with school work
Poor impulse control
Hyperactivity or low energy
Not keeping up with workload at school
Difficulty learning new material
Makes letter or number reversals after age seven
Play Skills
Social skills and play are essential to your child developing a sense of the world around them and gaining self-confidence and problem solving. If your child shows evidence of one or more of the following symptoms they could have an issue with their play skills:
Needs adult guidance to initiate play
Difficulty with imitative play
Wanders aimlessly without purposeful play
Moves quickly from one activity to the next
Does not explore toys appropriately
Participates in repetitive play for hours (e.g., lining up toys)
Does not join in with peers/siblings when playing
Does not understand concepts of sharing and turn taking